The UserContextHash is used to validate the identity of a user or a source system in order to provide STS with secure validation.
It’s a SHA256 hash that is generated in the following manner by concatenating three strings:
Hash = UserContextTimeDate + UserContextID + secret key
The secret key being a value that is specific for the user (stored in a directory) or specific to the STS (defined in the web.config).
private bool ValidateHash(string strUsername, string strTimeDate, string strSecret, string strHash)
{ // deal with base64 encoded hashes -> this is what we expect from the HIS submissions
// byte array conversions add "-" to the string
strHash = strHash.Replace("-", "");
strHash = strHash.Replace(" ", "");
string compareHash = generate_sha256hash(strTimeDate + strUsername + strSecret);
compareHash = compareHash.Replace("-", "");
strHash = strHash.Replace("-", "");
if (strHash.ToLower() == compareHash.ToLower())
{ Log("Hash value confirmed for user " + strUsername + ".", Log.LogLevel.Info);
return true; }
return false; }